Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Premiere Pro -Perfect Slide Show (3) -Dynamic Systems

Create a (perfect) slide show in Premiere Pro!

Screen shot the start page of the website as your title slide
Solve the first 10 levels of Dynamic Systems AS A MINIMUM AND 20 AS A MAXIMUM

Take a before and after screen shot of each level

  • Show quickly 10 unsolved puzzles with the title slide and your name
  • Show the unsolved puzzle shrinking and blurring away as the solved version expands and comes in to focus to reveal the solution.  CHOOSE '2' FOR DURATION INSTEAD OF '5'
  • Again show quickly 10 unsolved puzzles with the title slide and your name at the end using a unique transition format.
  • All this to classical music.
  • describe how you created this slideshow 
  • explaining what transitions and effects you used
  • add your time line to your post

This is the start page

Here is the code for the background gif
<div style="background-image: url('http://oi53.tinypic.com/34hvpjo.jpg');">